mongo command not recognized when trying to connect to a mongodb server

Anandela TP
2 min readNov 16, 2021

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Here’s how on Windows 10:

  1. Find Mongo’s bin folder.

If you’re not sure where it is, it’s probably in C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\ 3.4 was the latest stable version at the time, this will be different for you probably.

It should look like this:

Notice this is the path to mongo.exe and mongod.exe. Adding this folder to the Path variable is telling Windows to search in this folder for executables matching your command when you run something in cmd. The search starts with the current working dir, and if it doesn’t find your exe, goes on to search all the paths in Path till it finds it or it doesn’t and it gives you that error you saw.

  1. Copy the path to the bin folder. It should be C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\ (Or whatever version you're using)
  2. Press win, type env, Windows will suggest "Edit the System Environment Variables", click that.
  1. On the Advanced tab, click “Environment Variables”
  1. Highlight the “Path” variable, click “Edit”:
  1. This will bring up the “Edit environment variable” window, click “New”
  1. This will start a new line in the list of folders:
  1. Paste your path to the bin folder. Make sure it ends with a \ like so:
  1. Press “OK”, “OK”, “OK”

Now you should be able to run mongod and mongo from anywhere in a command window.

